Each forensic pattern, in hand analysis world, corresponds with a major theme of consciousness.
This post will focus on the Loop fingerprint which represents the theme of Love!
Here's the doodle I have for Loops = Love
(for people with 6 or more of these fingerprints!)
These doodle summaries also name the general fear associated with the fingerprint, gives a handy affirmation and tool that will be helpful and resonant with people who have a whole lot of love fingerprints. It's a great place to start getting specific about love / feeling / vulnerability awareness.
3 Essential Skills for Living with Loop Fingerprints
1. Feel emotion as an organic experience .
Just feel the emotion, the energy in motion through your body first and foremost. Where are you feeling it and what does it feel like? How would you describe the qualities of this sensation: gentle, intense, subtle or strong? Does it feel like tingles in my tummy? Heaviness in my chest? Bursting bubbles of lightness? This trains us to just notice the physical experience of feeling. The key here, especially with you air / logical / practical / thinking / rational types is to not try to explain the feeling but just recognize and experience it. That's all! |
2. Name It.
This can be tricky as there are so many words to name your experience precisely. I love to grow my vocabulary around these words. Here are a couple charts / pictures that I love:
3. Express the Feelings / Share Them / Let It Go
Usually that this looks and feels like is the willingness to speak / feel what seems most prickly and uncomfortable.
It is a willingness to notice the place within us that resists, that wants to blank out and be willing to sit patiently and invite this resistance to unfurl itself, bringing with it a wisdom + insights.
When loop fingerprinted people are able to acknowledge, accept + lean into the evasive, scary part of their experience (and recognise the symptoms of it in their life) the great gift is to learn to yield to feeling.
This can lead to a profound feelings of relief, lightness and awareness.
The loopy fingerprinted person is gifted with an opportunity to see and accept truths within them that once seemed intolerable.
This self-love and self-connection is the foundation for being able to hold the same unconditional regard for other people's hard-to-love elusive parts in tandem with the sublime + genius aspect of their being.
Feelings are essential to this process - feelings indicate when we are closer to being and expressing our authentic self. Put simply, being our full authentic self often feels invigorating, easy, light, joyful and good. When we are out of alignment with being who we really are we can feel dense, fearful, evasive, depressed, stuck or numb. We don't feel good.
In this light, the skill to express emotions in the moment freely becomes an imperative for our physical well-being.
Another metaphor I love to use is this: We are organic radios!
These relationships, forged in the fires of vulnerability, are opportunities to be fiercely real and open-hearted. These are pinnacle connecting experiences for loop fingerprinted embodied-love kind of people. Here's a tribute to the wisdom of Dr. Wayne Dyer whose words of wisdom and wardrobe are perfectly in sync with 'love' themes. |
I would love to hear.
Until then, here is your friendly neighbourhood hand analyst signing off with much love + joy :)
PS. Favourite Loop Fingerprint Resources: